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St Mary's Church, Norton Subcourse, Norfolk, UK
Annegret Hall

St Mary's Church, Norton Subcourse, Norfolk, UK
Early Australian History

Village of Town Yetholm in 1905
Early photo of Town Yetholm (Yetholm History Society)

Scottish Border with England
Entering Scotland from England close to the border town of Yetholm

Village of Town Yetholm
Photo of the Town Yetholm main street taken in 2019

Houses in the main street of Town Yetholm in 2019

Town Yetholm
Early buildings in Town Yetholm

Thatched cottage in Yetholm
18th C house in Town Yetholm

Entering Kirk Yetholm
The way to Kirk Yetholm village with a distant view of the old church.

The Kirk of Yetholm
The church where Andrew Thompson was baptised

Yetholm Kirk cemetery
An ancient cemetery of the Scottish Border towns

Kirk Yetholm village
The small village is separated from Town Yetholm by the Bowmont Water

Bowmont Water
The river separating Town Yetholm from Kirk Yetholm

Yetholm village countryside
The rolling Cheviot Hills is prime sheep country

Town Yetholm
Looking over Bowmont Water towards Town Yetholm

A visitor to Yetholm
An Australian author visiting Yetholm in June 2019

The Border town of Jedburgh
A view of Jedburgh seen from the Castle Jail and Museum

Jedburgh market place
It was on this market place that Andrew Thompson's burglary was proclaimed

Jedburgh Bridewell
Andrew Thompson was convicted to 14 years transportation in the courthouse behind the Jedburgh Bridewell

Jedburgh Newgate
Sign to the entrance to the entrance to the Jedburgh bridwell and courthouse opposite the marketplace

Old Jail Precinct of Jedburgh
A photo of the now demolished Old Jail buildings

Jedburgh Old Jail
A photo of the now demolished Old Jail where Andrew Thompson was imprisoned

Jedburgh Augustinian Abbey
Ruins of the ancient 12thC Jedburgh Augustinian Abbey

Jedburgh Abbey
View of the Jedburgh Augustinian Abbey seen from the courthouse
Recent images of
New South Wales

Government House Paramatta
Government House in Parramatta was build by Arthur Phillip in 1789

Government House Paramatta
The building has been added to and renovated by all colonial Governors
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