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St Mary's Church, Norton Subcourse, Norfolk, UK
Annegret Hall

St Mary's Church, Norton Subcourse, Norfolk, UK
Early Australian History

Andrew Thompson’s properties
Localities in the colony where Andrew Thompson lived and where his farms, premises and salt works were.

Green Hills (Windsor)
Green Hills on the Hawkesbury River in 1809, painted by John William Lewin. (SLNSW ML: PXD 388 v. 3 no. 7)

Thompson's properties in Green Hills (Windsor)
Green Hills on the Hawkesbury River in 1809, painted by John William Lewin. (SLNSW ML: PXD 388 v. 3 no. 7)

Windsor town map
Part of an 1812 Windsor town plan approved by Macquarie. (SANSW: SZ 529)

Thompson's properties in Green Hills (Windsor)
Part of an 1812 Windsor town plan approved by Macquarie. (SANSW: SZ 529)

Parish of Pitt Town
Pitt Town Parish map. (HLRV: AO 263)

Andrew Thompson's farms outside Windsor
Part of a Pitt Town parish map showing Andrew Thompson’s farms. (HLRV: AO MAP 263)

Parish of Castlereagh
Castelreagh parish map (HLRV: AO MAP 203)

Location of Thompson's farms: Agnes Bank, Wardle Bank and Glasgow
Part of a Castelreagh parish map showing Thompson's farms on the Nepean River. (HLRV: AO MAP 203)

Thompson's salt works
Thompson's salt works on Dangar Island in the Hawkesbury River and Scotland Island in Pitt Water. (NLA: RM 3117)

Sydney in 1810
Sydney Cove, painted in 1810 by John Eyre, edging by John Clark. (NLA: nla.obj-135288675)

Thompson's property in Sydney
Part of a painting showing Thompson's property in 1810, painted by John Eyre, edging by John Clark. (NLA: nla.obj-135288675)

Parish of St James in Sydney
St James Parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 349)

Location of Thompson's property in Sydney
Part of a St James Parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 349)

Parish map of Minto
19th century Minto parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 250)

Thompson's St Andrews farm in Minto
Part of a Minto parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 250)

Parish of Melville
Melville parish map. (HLRV: 140605)

Location of Thompson's Creek Retreat farm
Melville parish map. (HLRV: 140605)

Andrew Thompson’s properties
Localities in the colony where Andrew Thompson lived and where his farms, premises and salt works were.

Green Hills (Windsor)
Green Hills on the Hawkesbury River in 1809, painted by John William Lewin. (SLNSW ML: PXD 388 v. 3 no. 7)

Thompson's properties in Green Hills (Windsor)
Green Hills on the Hawkesbury River in 1809, painted by John William Lewin. (SLNSW ML: PXD 388 v. 3 no. 7)

Windsor town map
Part of an 1812 Windsor town plan approved by Macquarie. (SANSW: SZ 529)

Thompson's properties in Green Hills (Windsor)
Part of an 1812 Windsor town plan approved by Macquarie. (SANSW: SZ 529)

Parish of Pitt Town
Pitt Town Parish map. (HLRV: AO 263)

Andrew Thompson's farms outside Windsor
Part of a Pitt Town parish map showing Andrew Thompson’s farms. (HLRV: AO MAP 263)

Parish of Castlereagh
Castelreagh parish map (HLRV: AO MAP 203)

Location of Thompson's farms: Agnes Bank, Wardle Bank and Glasgow
Part of a Castelreagh parish map showing Thompson's farms on the Nepean River. (HLRV: AO MAP 203)

Thompson's salt works
Thompson's salt works on Dangar Island in the Hawkesbury River and Scotland Island in Pitt Water. (NLA: RM 3117)

Sydney in 1810
Sydney Cove, painted in 1810 by John Eyre, edging by John Clark. (NLA: nla.obj-135288675)

Thompson's property in Sydney
Part of a painting showing Thompson's property in 1810, painted by John Eyre, edging by John Clark. (NLA: nla.obj-135288675)

Parish of St James in Sydney
St James Parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 349)

Location of Thompson's property in Sydney
Part of a St James Parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 349)

Parish map of Minto
19th century Minto parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 250)

Thompson's St Andrews farm in Minto
Part of a Minto parish map. (HLRV: AO MAP 250)

Parish of Melville
Melville parish map. (HLRV: 140605)

Location of Thompson's Creek Retreat farm
Melville parish map. (HLRV: 140605)
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